ENJOY the Ragusa SHWA 2023 Post Conference Video 

by Prof. Massimo Cecchini

by Prof. Massimo Cecchini



6 - 9 September 2023

TheRagusa SHWA 2023 Organizing Committee

Invites you to attend the VII International Conference

on Safety, Health, and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro - food Systems

Ragusa SHWA.

Location: Ragusa Ibla, Italy (Island of Sicily)

Ragusa is a romantic town on the island of Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. The historical center (called Ragusa Ibla) is an ancient town known for its magnificent Baroque architecture, quaint restaurants, and picturesque streets. In 2002, the city was included among the Baroque UNESCO heritage sites of the Val di Noto. 

Ragusa Ibla, like all of Sicily, has a Mediterranean climate. Because it is located in the hilly area south of the Hyblaean Mountains, temperatures are generally cooler than in the nearby coastal area of Marina di Ragusa.

The attractive international programme includes Lectio Magistralis, Main Communications, Parallel Sessions and exciting side events, according to the usual RAGUSA SHWA format.

Proceedings published by Springer and indexed in Scopus. Abstracts as E-book and pdf.

Among the main goals of the Conference is to favorite bridging among researchers dealing with SHWA topics. Collaboration, Cooperation are main keywords of Ragusa SHWA, together with friendship and happiness.

Keep in touch visiting periodically www.ragusashwa.it,  Facebook, Twitter, Researchgate.

See you soon in South east Sicily - Italy, in the gorgeous late baroque district of Ragusa Ibla.


 Ragusa SHWA 2023 deadlines registration: click here


For additional information, please contact:

Giampaolo Schillaci – giampaolo.schillaci@ragusashwa.it  - Convener

Sabina Failla – sabina.failla@ragusashwa.it   - Sc. Secretariat


Where and What in fascinating South - East Sicily