Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria - Catania Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria International Commision of Agricultural Engineering Presidenza della Repubblica
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Fee 15th June See below
Fee with
15th June - Conference


The form could be e-mailed to info@ragusashwa.it
Or sent by fax: +39 095 7147600
(you will receive our reply within 3 days)

Registration will be deemed incomplete without the payment of registration fee.

REGISTRATION FEE (Euros) Before 15th June After 15th June

Almost an Author has to pay fee before 15th June as Participant by bank transfer. 

Fee payment will be accepted until 15th Sept. at the Conference desk (with surcharge - please, see the cost schedule on the left)

For Student registration is required a photocopy of current student card or another ID document to prove the student status.

Copy of the bank receipt is required to process the registration.

Please, at Conference desk use only money (Euros); personal check can’t be accepted.

Participant 320 370
Accompany person 200 250
Doctorand 200 250
Student 150 200

The remitter’s name should be the same as the participant’s name. If the name is different, please inform the Secretariat.
All handling charges must be paid by the remitter

The Organizing Secretariat will send a written confirmation to all registered participant.

Social Dinner Sept. 16th: 50 Euros

Technical Tour Sept. 17th: 30 Euros 

Holder: Ass.ne SATOR
Scienze Agroambientali e Tecnologie Organizzative
via Palestro, 217 - 97019 Vittoria (Rg)  Italy

tel +39 320 4328344 - fax +39 0932 835070
email: sator@ragusashwa.it

CF / Tax Code: 91012600887

Object of payment: Int. Conf. RagusaSHWA

Italian Bank: Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa
Agenzia di Scicli  - via Miccichè 23  - 97018 Donnalucata di Scicli

BBAN (Italy only):
Cin: L - Abi: 05036 - Cab: 84526 - Conto: CC0221197619

For Offshore transactions: IBAN + BIC Code:
IBAN:  IT58 L 05036 84526 CC0221197619
BIC Code: POPRIT31022

Bank Transfer

N.B. Please, itemize in case of cumulative payment


  Innovative Agricultural Machinery    
© 2008 - Ragusa Safety Health Welfare c/o Agricultural Faculty DIA – Mechanics - info@ragusashwa.it