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3rd August 2011

On Sunday, September 2nd the welcoming party will be held in Ragusa Ibla (,_Sicily) as in the previous two editions of RagusaSHWA.

Ibla is an ancient town rebuilt after 1693 when a terrible earthquake destroyed a large part of Southeastern Sicily. (

How to reach Ragusa

Allow us to remember you that Ragusa is a lovely town sited in Southeastern Sicily.

We suggest you to land at Catania International Airport (

As in the previous editions there will be reserved shuttle service leaving Catania airport at fixed time for those of you who have informed us in advance (via e-mail containing company, flight number and time of arrival).

However Etna Bus Company ( connects Catania Airport to Ragusa. It will take about 2 hours to reach Ragusa from Catania airport. We suggest you to land at Catania airport in the morning or in the early afternoon on Sunday 2nd, just not to miss and enjoy the welcoming party.

© 2011 - Ragusa SHWA - c/o Agricultural Faculty GESA – Mechanics -