> Schillaci G.

ORAL PRESENTATION - Bonsignore R., Camillieri D., Rapisarda V., Schillaci G.
The Effect of Task Frequency on Risk of Biomechanical Overloading of the Upper Limbs in Manual Pruning in Vineyards
ORAL PRESENTATION - Caruso L., Pennisi A., Balloni S., Conti A., Camillieri D., Schillaci G.
Aspects of Safety in the Stretching of Plastic Film During Greenhouse Covering
ORAL PRESENTATION - Cerruto E., Manetto G., Schillaci G.
Vibrations Produced by Electric Shakers for Olive Harvesting
ORAL PRESENTATION - Longo D., Pennisi A., Bonsignore R., Muscato G., Schillaci G.
A Multifunctional Tracked Vehicle Able to Operate in Vineyards Using GPS and Laser Range-Finder Technology
POSTER PRESENTATION - Balloni S., Camillieri D., Caruso L., Schillaci G.
Safety Aspects Regarding Spraying Pesticides in Protected Environments
POSTER PRESENTATION - Bonsignore R., Romano E., Caruso L., Schillaci G.
Wood Dust Production and VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions During Mechanical Pre-pruning in Vineyards
POSTER PRESENTATION - Bonsignore R., Romano E., Manetto G., Caruso L., Schillaci G.
Development of a Towed Multi-Function Row Straddling Machine for the Cultivation of Goblet Vineyards
POSTER PRESENTATION - Camillieri D., Bonsignore R., Caruso L., Schillaci G.
Evaluation of the Risk Arising From Repetitive Movements During Manual Pruning in Vineyards by Using Measured Forces
POSTER PRESENTATION - Camillieri D., Rapisarda V., Balloni S., Schillaci G.
The Effect of Task Frequency on the Risk of Biomechanical Overloading of the Upper Limb During Tomato Binding
POSTER PRESENTATION - Caruso L., Mazzola G., Tirṛ G., Schillaci G.
Optimising the Choice of Cows in the Organisation of the Milking Process
POSTER PRESENTATION - Conti A., Balloni S., Tirṛ G., Emma G., Caruso L., Schillaci G.
Equipment and Installations for the Distribution of Pesticides in Greenhouses: Aspects Connected with Testing and Bringing Into Compliance with Standing Regulations
POSTER PRESENTATION - Longo D., Pennisi A., Caruso L., Muscato G., Schillaci G.
An Autonomous Electrical Vehicle Based on Low-cost Ultrasound Sensors for Safer Operations Inside Greenhouses
POSTER PRESENTATION - Romano E., Bonsignore R., Camillieri D., Caruso L. , Conti A., Schillaci G.
Evaluation of Hand Forces During Manual Vine Branches Cutting
POSTER PRESENTATION - Schillaci G., Bonsignore R., Camillieri D., Romano E.
Assessment of the “Strain” Parameter in the Calculation of the Biomechanical Risk Index as Regards the Upper Limbs in Vineyard Manual Pruning
POSTER PRESENTATION - Smecca G., Pace C., Amato V., Schillaci G.
Risk Perception and Health and Safety Measures in Work Environments: effect of training on the pupils of two secondary schools